Monday, May 12, 2008

Christian Dior Show

Hey folks...i'm back in San Francisco temperarily. It's time for me to catch up on this darn bloging thing after i spent Mothers day with my beautiful friend Lenore Craven and her blog addicted family i reized that i need to keep up.

So, the friday before i left paris i went to Geneva to do the Dior show. It was loads of fun and tiring work!
All of the girls gomming from Paris met at the train station at like 6 am and headed to Geneva. when arrived we were picked up and taken to our hotel in which i cant remember the name?? Helsomething foriegn? we went straight into rehersal then hair and make up that took hours because there were like 20 girls and we were doing the whole Billy Holiday ol' school jazz look. Super cool. It was a whole day process!

The show went great, i wore 3 outfits and felt super glamouros. what lady doesnt enjoy feeling that way? My Purple dress was a big hit with the men in the audience as they couldnt keep thier mouths shut. ha ha. amazing. Lots of pictures were being taken through out the show, backstage and onstage. Really one of the coolest shows i've done. great playlist to walk to, and very sweet girls to work with.

All of us girls after the show changed into our normal clothes and finally had dinner round 10pm....long day! it was so funny all of us models walking onto the resturant at the hotel....if youve never been to Geneva...well, your not missing too much. Its about 90% men in suits, coorparte bonds men and such. Gag me now please! boring! and that being, the resturant was entirly full of men on "business". it was seriously so funny watching the expressions on thier dirty old faces as 20 Christian Dior girls walked in. ha ha. enjoy the pics